

為提升服務品質,銘傳專屬伺服器將於 2024-09-13 (週五) 下午 17:00 進行軟硬體更新作業,預計維護時間為 1 至 2 小時。

To improve service quality, the Ming Chuan University dedicated server will undergo a hardware and software update on Friday, 2024-09-13, at 5:00 PM. The estimated maintenance time is 1 to 2 hours.
During this update, it may affect English courses for sophomores to seniors, and you may experience issues logging into the system or accessing web pages.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and support.


線上繳費於 2024-09-01 開放 或參考 繳費資訊
繳費完成後約 2工作日,可透過 帳號查詢 進行查詢。

Online payment is available starting from 2024-09-01. Please refer to the payment information for details.
After completing the payment, you can check your payment status through your account approximately 2 business days later.


  1. 請您確認您的金融卡是否具有轉帳或跨行轉帳的功能。
  2. 若您的訂單金額超過三萬元,而ATM機器無法跨行轉帳時,建議您可至鄰近永豐銀行臨櫃繳費。
我是外籍生 (international student)
  1. 如沒有金融卡或不會轉帳,建議請找同學協助您轉帳。
    If you don't have a bank card or are unsure about how to execute a transfer, we suggest seeking assistance from a classmate to facilitate the process.
  2. 只有當您在台灣時才接受付款,其他狀況,請聯繫英語教學中心。
    Payment is only accepted when you are physically in Taiwan. For all other situations, please get in touch with English Language Center.

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